Today we brought on Chicago creative and founder of Fourtune House Makafui Searcy to discuss creativity, what we’ve learned from psychedelic trips, and the importance of storytelling. . Follow us on: IG and Twitter: @drointhewind_ Follow Makafui and Fourtune House on: IG: @makafuisercy & @fourtunehouse Music by: HateSonny- DAMAGE CONTROL
Dro In The Wind-Ep.4 | Tripping with Makafui Searcy
Oct 31, 2020
Dro In The Wind
I'm your host Alejandro Hernandez. The purpose of this podcast is to bring you genuine insight on my life and life in Chicago while also bringing in guests who inspire me to share their story.
I'm your host Alejandro Hernandez. The purpose of this podcast is to bring you genuine insight on my life and life in Chicago while also bringing in guests who inspire me to share their story.Listen on
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